Scientific Journal Literary Studies
Founded: 2001. Electronic edition: 2015.
Chief Editor: Iryna Pokrovska
Indexed and registered in:ISSN: 2520-6346
State Registration Certificate: КВ No. 16157-4629Р of December 11, 2009.
Specialized Registration: Enacted by Resolution of the Presidium of VAK (Higher Attestation Commission) No. 1-05/5 of July 01, 2010. Re-registration: Direction by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, record No. 1328 of December 21, 2015.
Publication frequency: biannual.
Languages: Ukrainian, English.
Founder: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology.
Focus and scope: The journal aims to create a platform for scholarly exchange and exploration of issues concerning theoretical and applied problems in contemporary literary studies. The editors seek submissions from scholars in the following literary research fields: literary history, literary theory, comparative literary studies, poetics, etc.
We also aim:
- to represent recent scientific concepts;
- to encourage new approaches in literary research;
- to develop Ukrainian literary studies in the wider context of the humanities.
Open Access Policy
Literary Studies is an open access journal. The editors promote free circulation of the academic information and international scholarly exchange. The journal content is available free of charge. Users are permitted to read, download, copy and distribute it for research or educational purposes with mandatory copyright reference.
Publishing ETHICS
The editorial board follows guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine On Copyright and Related Rights, Law of Ukraine On Education, Code of Ethics of the University Community of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, particularly with regard to the issues of originality of submitted manuscripts; plagiarism and conflicts of interest.
The editorial board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the requirements to publications in scholarly periodicals registered in the international scientometric databases.
The editorial board is responsible for the prompt publication of the Journal. The editors take the final decision as to the publication of an article in the journal. Manuscripts are assessed with reference to their content regardless of race, gender, ethnicity and citizenship, religious or political convictions of the authors. Submissions that do not comply with the journal’s focus and scope as well as the requirements to publications, or that have been concurrently submitted to other journals, or those that have been previously published elsewhere will be rejected. Submitted manuscripts are not returned and cannot be published in other periodicals. The editorial board reserves the right to edit manuscripts. The editorial board adheres to copyright observance, and considers all cases of breaching of the ethical policy, conflicts of interest (between author and reviewer / author and any other party) and plagiarism. In case of disagreement between parties a conflict may be considered by the court. The editorial board uses personal information submitted by the authors exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and does not use it for any other purpose.
Authors should submit original manuscripts have not been published previously. Authors take personal responsibility for credibility and authenticity of the obtained research results.
Manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the journal’s guidelines for submission.
All borrowings must be formatted as citations with references to sources in accordance with existing standards. Unformatted borrowings and any form of plagiarism are inadmissible.
Authors should immediately inform the editors about the mistakes or inaccuracies found in the manuscript.
Any existing or potential conflicts of interest should be declared by authors to the editorial board.
All submissions are subject to anonymous internal and external double-blind peer review.
A review is an objective and argued assessment of the presented work.
Peer reviewer should refuse to assess a paper in case he/she is not an expert in the author’s field of study.
Peer reviewer must respect the author’s copyright and maintain the confidentiality of the peer-review process by not sharing, discussing with third parties, or disclosing information from the reviewed paper.
Peer reviewer should alert the editors of any potential conflict of interest.
Peer reviewer should assess if the paper may be accepted without revisions, with minor or major revisions, or it should be rejected. The final decision as to the acceptance of the paper is taken by the editorial board.
Peer reviewer must meet deadlines for review submission.
Editors of the journal are asking the reviewers to prepare their reviews following the template.
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