The article examines the anti-colonial aspects of Lyudmila Starytska-Chernyakhivska’s work “Twenty-five years of Ukrainian theater” in the context of post-colonial criticism. The phenomena of Russian “cultural colonialism” are analyzed, including imperial models of bans and destruction of the Ukrainian language, literature, theater, and customs. It is noted that the anti-colonial narrative emphasis of the studied studio is mainly focused on the efforts of Ukrainian figures devoted to the development of Ukrainian literature and theater in the ХІХ th century. Emphasis is placed on such important elements of the anti-colonial narrative of the analyzed text as Ukrainian cultural heritage, memory, the connection and struggle of generations, the persistence of Ukrainian cultural development, individual and collective traumas, and the “implantation № of Ukrainian national identity.
Keywords: post-colonial criticism, cultural colonialism, anti-colonial aspects, colonialist ideology, Ukrainian literature and theater.
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