Volume 61-2 (2021)

O. M. Slipushko, Dr Hab., Prof., A. O. Katyuzhynska, Student
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article is devoted to the study of the dramaturgy of Lesya Ukrainka, in
particular the dramatic works “Obsessed”, “Cassandra”, “Forest Song”. Particular
attention is paid to the analysis of the image system, based on which the features of
the artistic representation of baroque features in the interpretive models of such
images as Miriam (“Obsessed”), Cassandra (“Cassandra”), Mavka (“Forest Song”).
It is proved that one of the leading baroque worldview characteristics is the synthesis
of medieval theocentrism with biblical dominance and renaissance anthropocentrism
with humanism and the idea of freedom of will and choice. In dramatic works Lesya
Ukrainka portrays strong personalities who, guided by biblical truths and faith in
God, decide their own destiny according to their own beliefs. The author emphasizes
that everyone has the right to their feelings and emotions, endowed with freedom of
will and choice, which can be traced in the interpretive models of images. It is
important to appeal to the humanistic idea of accepting people, the desire to
understand their actions and feelings. A common feature of the images in Lesya
Ukrainka’s dramaturgy is the freedom, in particular the will and choice, which the
heroes are endowed with or which they aspire to. In the dramatic work “Obsessed”,
based on the biblical plot, Lesya Ukrainka develops the image of Miriam, combining
anthropocentric and theocentric characteristics. The image of the main character
represents the humanistic idea of freedom, because she fights with the community
and as a result makes its own choice. The idea of freedom of will and choice
is represented in the image of Mavka (“Forest Song”), in whose worldview the will
is understood as a natural right of the individual. In addition, symbolism as a
characteristic of Baroque literature is clearly expressed in Lesya Ukrainka’s
artistic conception. Analysis of the dramatic work “Cassandra” represents a
symbolic interpretation of the image of the protagonist.
Keywords: baroque worldview, theocentrism, anthropocentrism, humanism,
freedom of will and choice, symbolism, Lesya Ukrainka, dramaturgy.

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