Volume 61-2 (2021)

Olga M. Prysiazhniuk
PhD, Associate Prof., National Air University, Kyiv


The article is devoted to the study of the conceptualization of their own and
general nominations with the value of antiquity in Lesia Ukrainka drama “Iphigenium
in Tavrid” and “Orgy”. Scientific results complement the linguistic categories of
linguosophical categories “Concept”, “Conceptual Picture of the World” and
“Language Picture of the World”. The linguistic picture of the world is seen as a
formal means of expression of a specific ethnos. The concept is understood as a system
of concepts, united by a general integrated seven, which is a complex of semi-seven
and books and their relationships. The article is studied by anthroponyms, toponyms,
ethnons with antiquity value through the prism of the author’s style of Ukrainian poets
Lesia Ukrainka. It has been established that the set of nominations for the designation
of antiquity recorded in Lesia Ukrainka’s drama “Iphigenya in Tavriya” and “Orgy”,
forms a conceptual system of antiquity, which has a clear paradigmatic structure,
namely: 1) Lexical and grammatical discharge → 2) Lexical -mantic group →
3) Lexical-semantic subgroup. The concept of “antiquity” is formed from its own
and common nominations. General names presented by ethnons, ons are
represented by anthroponyms and toponyms. Receiving inventory allowed to
allocate 38 nominations with the integral seven “antique”. The conducted research
indicates a significant advantage of ancient Greek nominations over Latin (only
6 nominations of Latin origin and significance – in contrast to 32 Greek
nominations). The concept of “antiquity” as a set of nominations with the value of
antiquity recorded in Lesia Ukrainka drama “Iphigenium in Tavriya” and “Orgy”,
expresses the language picture of Ukrainians leading the motive of Byzantine on
the territorial, political and similar “ego”.
Keywords: Concept, Picture of the World, Anthroponym, Toponyms, Ethnons,
System, Structure, Antique.

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