Volume 61-2 (2021)

V. F. Pogrebennik
Dr Hab., Prof. National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov, Kyiv


The article investigates the Roman Olynyk-Rachmanny’s essays and his journalist
articles, dedicated to the life and creativity of Lesya Ukraїnka and Ukrainian famous
writers from her generation. It is covered in logical order, how the understanding of
the poetics of the writers poetry developed in accordance with their vision and
perception by R. Olynyk (pen-name Roman Rachmanny, 1918–2012). The content of his
articles, essays etc. reveales Lesya Ukraїnka’s individual contribution to the dynamics
of the system of genres, the improvement of lyrics personosphere and technical means
of the literary modeling of reality, the combination of realism and romanticism in
Ukrainian lyrics and drama of the end of the XIX-th – beginning of the XX-th centuries.
Roman Olynyk, well-known in North America journalist and scholar (PhD
Montreal University), historian and literary critic, is also considered as an
ambassador of the Ukrainian culture in free Western World, who through his more
than 1300 publications in Polish, English, Dutch, German, French and Norwegian
languages drew attention to Ukrainian struggle for Freedom, popularized the creative
achievements of the Ukrainian literary coryphaeus T. Shevchenko, I. Franko, Lesya
Ukraїnka’s and others. His reasoning about Lesya Ukraїnka, V. Stefanyk, as it proved
in article, is still marked by accurate definitions and symbolic assessments, interesting
literary parallels, exspressed with knowledge of the case with critical remarks. The
scientist righly affirmed the ascending evolution of the writer, who permanent
enriched the recipients with new fruits of his socially significant talent, with
represented the hole “Ukraina militans” (against tzarist Russia opression) and delved
into the people’s soul. With good reason, R. Olynyk-Rachmanny emphasized her skill
as an observer and psychologist, a master of sharp thoughs, and finally as
intellectual-democrat, who promoted humanism, patriotism and high idealism of the
Ukrainian literature’s classic heritage.
Keywords: literature, perception, essays, genre, pathos, patriotism, lyrics, innovation.

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1. Raxmannyj Roman. Rozdumy pro Ukrajinu. Vybrani eseji ta statti 1945–1990 / Roman Raxmannyj;upor. L. Fedoruk. – K. : Vyd-vo T-va "Prosvita", 1997. – 569 s. 2. Raxmannyj Roman. Ukrajina atomnoho viku. Eseji i statti, 1945–1986 : u 3 t. / Roman Raxmannyj. – Toronto : Homin Ukrajiny, 1987. – T. I. – 597 s. 3. Raxmannyj Roman. Ukrajina atomnoho viku. Eseji i statti, 1945–1986: u 3 t. / Roman Raxmannyj. – Toronto : Homin Ukrajiny, 1991. – T. III. – 793 s.