The problem of word, its imagery potentials and influence on human senses is the cardinal problem of culturology, literary criticism and linguistics, dealing with the spiritual culture of Ukrainian people. These sciences are capable of displaying the uniqueness and authenticity of our national culture in its various areas – language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, traditions, folkways, religion and so on. Therefore, the purpose of this article is, upon analyzing the poetic works by Lyudmyla Starytska-Chernyaxivska, to confirm the author’s possibilities of operating the culturological symbols (details and images, motifs, quotations, allusions, reminiscences), regarding the generic, stylistic, and intertextual components, in order to reveal their new connotations.
The poetic heritage of Starytska-Chernyaxivska is not so much numerous as it is interesting in terms of cultural interweaving. She appeared to be able to connect the elements of different literary genres (a biography, a requiem, a dithyramb, a song, a landscape meditation, a literary portrait, a dedication), styles (Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, Modernism), poetic tropes and figures (rhetoric appellation, parallelism, euphony) in a single poem. For instance, the means of a rhetoric appellation as a culturological concept, which is quite frequent in Starytska-Chernyaxivska’s lyrics diverse in generic terms, provokes the thought about the role and place of a reader in perception of each and every poem. Evidently, the image of a reader stands for a vis-à-vis to the one of a writer in works of any genre; therefore, it should be studied as the implicit person imagined by a writer as a participant of the internal dialogue furthermore conducted in a literary work.
Finally yet importantly, the key factor of the influence of Starytska-Chernyaxivska’s works on a reader is the combination and interpretations of stylistic constants intrinsic for Ukrainian literature of fin de siècle (Neoromantic tendency of ‘recognition’ of symbols; Impressionistic aspiration to catch a moment and to render it to a reader; Symbolist mysticism and dreaminess; Expressionistic novelistic strength). This all would open the perspective to study Starytska-Chernyaxivska’s works through the prism of intermediality.
Keywords: poetry, Ukrainian literature, Lyudmyla Starytska-Chernyaxivska’s works, culturological symbols, image, motif, intertext.
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