Volume 60 (2021)

O. V. Pylypei
PhD, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article deals with special epistolary as ways of artistic expression of I. Karpenko-Kary’s author’s position. Private letters of writers are considered, author’s points of view in the world are revealed.

Based on the analysis, we can say that the letters of I. Karpenko-Kary contain important interesting material for understanding the psychological portrait and creativity of the playwright. The author’s views expressed in the letters can be grouped as follows: philosophical (views on the meaning of human life, harmony, work, its importance in human life); literary and artistic (views on famous contemporaries, attitudes to cultural events, the importance of translation, evaluation of their own theatrical and literary activities); national (views on the native language, the importance of Ukraine, the role of education for youth). Research of the writer’s epistolary allows delving into the artist’s creative laboratory. The analysis of the author’s visions of the world, expressed in letters, helps to reveal the character of the author and serves as a form of expression of literary-critical assessments of his own work and activities of the cultural process in Ukraine in the late nineteenth – early twentieth century. According to I. KarpenkoKary’s correspondence, the playwright was an active participant in this process.

Keywords: author’s position, author’s point of view on the world, letter, private correspondence, epistolary heritage, emotional and psychological state, psychology of creativity.

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