In accordance with the purpose of the study, a correlation analysis of the frequency of the combination of aggressive consonants and the coefficients of semantic-semiotic markers was performed in three poems by Osip Makovey («І я умію пісню…», 1891; «В дорогу, в дорогу!», 1899; «Образок», 1900).
The research was carried out with the help of methods of empirical research (observation as a purposeful and organized subjective perception of the three O. Makovey’s poems considered, a description that helped us fix the results of this observation, measurements by the method of the semantic differential of C. Osgood were applied with the purpose of revealing the correlation between factors ” combination of aggressive consonants “and” semantic-semiotic markers of poems by O. Makoveya. “The methods of the theorem the following were chosen for formal research: formalization as the construction of abstract-mathematical models aimed at revealing the essence of the correlation between the frequency combinations of “aggressive” consonants ([ГР], [РГ], [ДЗВ], [РХМ], [КР], [БР], [ХВ], [ПР], [ХВБ], [ШН], [ВШ], [ЧМ], [МЗ], [РН], [С’ЗД], [Т’ТР], [СПР], [JРЗ], [ЖД], [С’ЗМ]) and coefficients of semanticsemiotic markers of three poems by O. Makovey, where such combinations occur as frequency ones, statistical methods were necessary for us to determine the mean values characterizing the entire the totality said correlation between the frequency combination of “aggressive” consonants and their semantics.
Conclusion: we established an ambivalent trend: on the one hand, there is no correlation between the rates of the combination of aggressive consonants and the coefficients of semanticsemiotic markers in O. Makovey’s three poems; on the other hand, there is a clear correlation between the indices of the frequency of combinations of aggressive consonants and the non-final (average) indices of semantic-semiotic markers in the three O. Makovey’s poems under consideration.
Key words: combinations of “aggressive” consonants, coefficients of semantic-semiotic markers, correlation, poems of Osip Makovey.
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