The article is devoted to the analysis of ways Ivan Franko’s creative achievements
presentations (based on the program of Ukrainian literature for grades 10-11) with
the help of transdisciplinary ontology. The study focuses on elucidating the
phenomenon of transdisciplinarity in science and education, identifying the
characteristics of this concept. It is substantiated that the transdisciplinary approach
provides multidimensionality and multilevel research, which is determined by the
study of scientific problems through the analysis of their diverse projections in
different scientific fields. It is determined that transdisciplinary planes of research
form interconnected contexts of research activity, perception and use of scientific
knowledge as such, which generate multidimensional correlations between fragments
of empirical and theoretical comprehension. Characteristic features of
transdisciplinary ontology and means of its expression on the material of the fragment
of the program devoted to the artistic works of Ivan Franko are considered.
It is investigated that the construction of transdisciplinary ontology based on the
work of Ivan Franko on the program of Ukrainian literature for 10-11 grades
(standard level) provides opportunities for perception of clearly structured
information with visualized mapping of structural components, which creates
conditions for comprehensive understanding of educational material. It is determined
that the process of forming a transdisciplinary ontology dedicated to the works of
Ukrainian writer, consists of the following stages: semantic analysis of the program
in Ukrainian literature, taxonomization of the program, formation of the document
structure based on selected terms / concepts (term classes, term class objects) and
contexts, determination of their characteristics and relationships, direct formation of
ontological descriptions.
Key words: transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary ontology, cognitive services,
program, Ivan Franko.
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