This article deals with comprehensive analysis of multifaceted coherence of poetic
artistic activity of Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka with Ukrainian folklore;
it highlights the ideological and aesthetic peculiarities of the artists’ elaboration of
folk poetry motives, images and symbols. The factors of ideological and aesthetic
concepts of Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka, as well as the traits of folk song
traditions actualisation in the context of their creativity, social realities, literary and
artistic discourse of that time, are revealed. The genre, ideological-thematic and
poetic palette of the lyrics of Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka, along with the
characteristics of their literary innovation in the folklore processing, are outlined.
The artistic practice of the writers is studied on the basis of symbolic theory of
classical psychoanalysis and culturological approach, by virtue of which the poetic
art of Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka is interpreted as an artistically perfect
linguistic and aesthetic sign of national culture.
Key words: lyrics, folklore, genre, cycle, ideological and aesthetic conception,
image-concept, symbol, code.
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