Archive, Volume 56-2 (2019)


In this article the specifi c of mediaevelism paradigm of Myhajlo Maksymovych, the fi rst rector of University of Saint Volodymyr (now – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) Myha jlo Maksymovych is investigated. M.Maksymovych is a founder of medieval studies in the modern Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In his opinion, systematization and investigation of folklore – is understanding of the “real national character”, oral literature – is basic of written literature and its originality. He appreciated in folk songs and thoughts its historical fundament. It is underlined the specifi c of interpretation of old Ukrainian folklore by Maksymovych, his representation its fi rst periodization.

Key words: Maksymovych, Medieval science, old Ukrainian language, literature of the Kyiv Rus, folklore, European vector, “Tale about campaign of Igor”, chronicles, inter science method.

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