The urgency of the work is conditioned by the task of showing the ways in which oriental material was included in the Ukrainian literature, stimulating, as in the European literatures of the second half of the 19th century, the artistic type of orientalism; to trace the factors that contributed to the interest in the East (geopolitical, religious, spiritual, etc.). The work deals with reminiscences of the East in the works of P. Kulish. The object of the study is the lyric and epic poem “Mahomet and Hadyza” (1882), which is interpreted in the context of the writer’s oriental fascinations of that time, including Draper, Irving, Weil, Renan, and the development of academic and artistic types of orientalism in Ukraine.
Keywords: orientalism, reminiscences, academic, artistic types of orientalism, romantic orientalism, lyric and epic poem.
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