The problem of an ideal society and an ideal state has interested mankind at all times – from antiquity to the present. The works of the Greek philosopher Plato show that as early as the fifth century BC, the concept of a just state was created, where everyone would do their job and live happily. Holistic philosophical concept in the XVIII century. created by Ukrainian philosopher H. Skovoroda. The idea of vocation work became fundamental to his philosophy. The development of the concept was the so-called “upper republic”, where all people got their bread working by vocation and according to their natural
inclinations. In addition to ancient sources, the philosopher used the Bible, which he considered a separate ideal world, according to which all people should live. H. Skovoroda considered love, common property, universal equality and republican rule to be the main principles of a harmonious ideal state.
Keywords: ideal, society, republic, justice.
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