Volume 61 (2021)

H. M. Zhukovska
PhD, Associate Prof., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article deals with the original author’s interpretation of the myth of the Trojan prophetess Cassandra in Lesya Ukrainka’s drama of the same name. It is observed that the reproduction of the ancient myth is based on the aesthetics of neo-romanticism, artistic tragedy and psychologism. It has been proved that Lesya Ukrainka’s dramatic poem “Cassandra” is a “drama of ideas” in which important issues of human existence are raised. The artistic embodiment of the myth of Cassandra occurs through the understanding of the problems of human destiny, choice, faith / despair, truth / falsehood, freedom / slavery, fidelity / betrayal, life / death, and so on. It is noted that Lesya Ukrainka’s Cassandra is an intellectual philosophical drama with deep psychologism, intense external and internal conflicts.

Key words: ancient myth, Cassandra, tragedy, psychologism, neo-romanticism.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/2520-6346.2(61).37-51


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