The purpose of the study was to clarify the psychophonesemantics of proper names in Vasyl Zemliak’s novel “Flock of Swans” as a sign of the national archetype system of Ukrainians. Among the methods, the concept of holism (general method) was chosen; analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, quantitative-qualitative method, method of generalization and classification (general scientific methods) and survey, content analysis by the unit “word” (industry methods).
The methodology involved writing 46 proper names from the text of Vasyl Zemliak’s novel “Flock of Swans” in the survey form and sending them to the respondents thanks to the social networks “Facebook”, “Telegram”, “Viber” and free e-mail “Freemail”. The received 23 completed forms were analyzed.
The results of the research made it possible to state that the proper names found in Vasyl Zemliak’s novel “Flock of Swans” have psychophonosemantic features. The mentioned signs are similar to those inherent in the definitions and descriptions of the signs of the system of archetypes, which were proposed at one time by Ukrainian writers, teachers, psychologists, encyclopedists, culturologists and philosophers H. Skovoroda, M. Gogol, P. Kulish, P. Yurkevich, O. Kulchytskyi, D. Chyzhevskyi.
Keywords: psychophonesemantic signs, sound letters, sound combinations, national archetype of Ukrainians.
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