The aim of the study was to identify the signs of the epistemic nature of the interpretation of the meanings of H. Skovoroda’s “Fables of the Goat and the Piper Wolf” by humanities students aged 17 to 39 studying at one of Ivano-Frankivsk universities.
Holism, hypothetical-deductive method, analysis, synthesis, classification, experiment, observation, quantitative-qualitative analysis were chosen as research methods. The methodology included an offer to 25 research subjects aged 17 to 39, who study in the humanitarian field, to read the text “Fables about the goat and the wolf-piper” by G. Frying pans, after which the subjects were asked to fill in a table with
sociometric data and complete the following task: “Read the following text. Write down your answer to the question: “How do you understand the content of the read text?”.
According to the results of the study, general conclusions were formulated: signs of episteme were clearly explained in all reactions according to the four criteria of the analysis of interpretations of the meanings of H. Skovoroda’s “Fables of the Goat and the Piper Wolf”.
Keywords: episteme, fable, H. Skovoroda, investigated, signs.
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