The attention of the author of the article is focused on revealing the specificity of the artistic embodiment of the myth of the Cossack character in the story of Panteleimon Kulish “Descendants of Ukrainian Haidamatism”, on the disclosure of the semantic code of the myth, its symbolic intentions, on the study of prominent features of the writing style. The article outlines the historical and mythological conception of the author’s narrative, embodied in a system of iconic ethno-national symbols, through which the writer has a hidden meaning bypassing bans and writing about national history and culture. It is proved that the analyzed narrative P. Kulish affirms the idea of the highest calling of the Cossack and his descendants: to protect the native land from enemies, “not to break their faith”, “not to despise the Cossack glory”. It is traced that the historical and mythological context of the story “Descendants of Ukrainian Haidamatism” reflects the problem of the Ukrainian nation’s shortcomings, which appears as a certain cycle of events that is repeated in each generation. P. Kulish denounces the hopelessness of his work. The Cossack house of the Dunduk family can be read as an emblem of Ukraine, in which harmony and grace eventually prevail. Drawing and hidden behind the clay of the Cossacks in this house, which comes to life in borderline situations for the genus, the hidden Ukrainian history is read, without the knowledge and understanding of which it is impossible to avoid mistakes in the future.
Keywords: myth, mythology, symbol, image of the Cossack-character, historical theme.
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