The order of submission and registration of articles

Author Guidelines

This guideline is a general scheme for writing the manuscript for Literary Studies submission. The verity of all the facts, clear references and precise citations represented are obligatory for the papers submitted to peer reviewing.

Requirements to the Structure:

  1. The classification index UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) should be put in the upper left corner.
  2. The information about the authors should be put in the next line centered by the right side:
  3. surname and initials of the author typed in bold italics; the scientific degree and the academic status typed in normal font in the same line;
  4. full name of the organization – the place of work of each author; title, affiliation and position fully (unabridged) of each author; the country name (for foreign authors) in the next line. 
  5. The title of the paper should be concise and informative, convenient to use in information-retrieval systems and reference list composition (typed in bold capital letters, Times New Roman 14).
  6. The abstract in a language of the article (starting from three lines, italicized, Times New Roman 12) and the keywords from the next line, after the heading Keywords, typed in italics.
  7. The body of the article (5 pages, if page margins: 2 cm, font size 14.0 Times New Roman; line spacing – 1.5, paragraph indent – 1.25).
  8. Reference list (composed in accordance with National Standard of Ukraine ДСТУ 8302:2015:, the heading of the reference list set up according to ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.80: – in a line, without paragraph indents, font size 12.0, in an alphabetical order.

The reference to the certain source should be put in square brackets, for example: [Brown, p. 26], where 26 is the page number; the reference to the illustrative materials cited – in round brackets, like this: (Голос України. 12.12.2018).

  • Submission date.
  • The abstract in English and Ukrainian (if a language of publication is not Ukrainian) including the translated information about the author (on the right side) and the title of the article (in the middle) should be typed in a line after the reference list, font size 12.0, in italics. All the abstracts must be identical. The volume of the English-language abstract for Ukrainian-language articles should be no less than 1,800 characters. Likely, the volume of the Ukrainian-language abstract for articles written in other languages should be 1,800 characters and more.
  • The abstract should be followed with the reference list transliterated in Latin alphabet with a heading REFERENCES and the list of illustrative materials preceded by a heading SOURCES.
  • The quotation marks are like these – “ ”. The dash ( – ) must not be confused with the hyphen (-). The centuries in Ukrainian articles should be marked with Roman numbers, and abbreviated like this: ст. (ІІ ст.).
  • If the article contains fonts different from TimesNewRoman, they are to be attached to the letter in separate electronic files.
  • Teachers without an academic degree, post-graduates and students are obliged to attach the scientific supervisor’s review with relevance and novelty of the research clearly defined.
  • The articles and the necessary attachments should be sent at the email address


УДК 81’27

Савченко Ф.Н., к. філол. н., доц.

Інститут філології КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ


Текст анотації українською мовою…………………………………………

Ключові слова: оцінка, мова ЗМІ, офіційна преса.

Текст статті …………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………


1. Антонченко, Т.М. Основні тенденції аксіологічних змін у семантичній структурі американізмів: дис. … канд. філол. наук : 10.02.04. Київський держ. лінгвістичний ун-т. К., 2000. 229 с. 2. Дионисий Ареопагит. О божественных іменах ; О мистическом богословии. СПб. : Глаголъ, 1995. 370 с. URL : 3. Тараненко, О.О. Формування нової системи соціальних цінностей і пріоритетів українського суспільства (на матеріалі української мови кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ ст.) // Мовознавство. 2014. № 1. С. 3-21. 4. Шерман, О.М. Політичний стереотип : місце у політичному процесі та технології формування засобами масової інформації. Львів : Сполом, 2008. 228 с.


1. Урядовий кур’єр. К. : Преса України, 2008. 25 листоп., № 221 (3881).

Стаття надійшла до редакції 27.10.13 р.

Savchenko F.N., PhD., Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Text of abstract in English………………………………………………………

Keywords: …


Antonchenko, T. M. (2000). Osnovni tendentsiyi aksiolohichnykh zmin u semantychniy strukturi amerykanizmiv. Dys… kand. filol. nauk. Kyyiv.

Areopagit, D. (1995). O bozhestvennykh imenakh; O misticheskom bogoslovii. Sankt-Peterburg: “Glagol”. URL

Taranenko, O. O. (2014). Formuvannya novoyi systemy sotsial’nykh tsinnostey i priorytetiv ukrayins’koho suspil’stva(na materiali ukrayins’koyi movy kintsya XX – pochatku XXI st.). Movoznavstvo, 1, 3-21.

Sherman, O. M. (2008). Politychnyy stereotyp: mistse u politychnomu protsesi ta tekhnolohiyi formuvannya zasobamymasovoyi informatsiyi. L’viv: Spolom.


1. Uriadovyi kurjer. K.: Presa Ukrayiny. 25.11. 2008, №221 (3881).

The articles should be sent at the email address as the text file with no hyphenation in words and spaces between paragraphs. Microsoft Word editor, file name in Latin alphabet (author’s name and surname, article title, date), doc extension; for example: Miroshnychenko_L._Pereklad_Lesi_Ukrainky_1-12-18.doc. Times New Roman font, 14th; line spacing – 1.5; paragraph indent – 1.5 cm (do not use Tab key or Space instead). Margins: top, bottom – 2.0 cm, left – 2.5 cm, right – 2.0 cm. Page numbering is strictly required.

The article should be accompanied with the abstract and keywords, the author’s first and last names, titles in Ukrainian and English, and the UDC index. The volume of the Ukrainian-language abstract is 600…800 characters counting spaces; of the English-language one is 1,800 characters (counting keywords). If the article is written in English, the Ukrainian-language abstract should be 1,800 characters and more.

The author should also submit the separate file (Miroshnychenko_L._Abstract_1-12-18.doc) in which to double the English-language summary in Ukrainian and indicate the information about the author (the last and the first name; the place of work or study – both in Ukrainian and in English; the contact telephone and the e-mail address). 

If all the aforementioned requirements and the active norms of academic writing are not observed in the materials, the editorial board will not take them to peer reviewing.