Volume 60 (2021)

V. P. Atamanchuk
Dr Hab., Associate Prof., National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv


One of the brightest playwrights of the twentieth century, M. Kulish has synthesized significant artistic achievements of his outstanding predecessors. The Ukrainian playwright has organically combined the achievements of many artistic trends (realism, symbolism, expressionism, “theatre of the absurd”), creating an original, aesthetically and artistically perfect, stylistic system. In dramatic works by M. Kulish, the intersection of diverse semantic and artistic planes, as well as the interaction of different discourses with the involvement of the achievements of world art and philosophy, is combined with a strong reliance on the traditions of national drama. The traditions of I. Karpenko-Karyi in the drama by M. Kulish can be traced in various aspects. First of all, as the top achievements that became the basis for further development, deepening and the transformation of ideological and artistic achievements of Ukrainian drama of the early twentieth century. The vector of development, which was formed by I. Karpenko-Karyi, determined the initial positions for the realization of the first dramatic attempts of M. Kulish and some aesthetic parameters of the dramatic techniques, artistic achievements of his outstanding predecessor in accordance with the conceptual tasks that faced him as a creator of modern drama under the new historic conditions. At the same time, the traditions of the Ukrainian Coryphées theatre, modified to the circumstances and challenges of the twentieth century can be traced in the literary works by M. Kulish on different levels: stylistic (that is manifested in the use of realism aesthetics, with its topmost embodiment in plays by I. Karpenko-Karyi; expressionism aesthetics, with its basics of development in the literary works of the XIX century playwrights); genre (which is realized in the appeal to the genres of classical drama – comedy, tragicomedy, melodrama – with its further rethinking of the these main genres attributes in accordance with the modernist worldview); plot (which is displayed in the use of similar in some parameters plot frameworks), etc.

Keywords: traditions, innovations, aesthetic category, genre, drama, a play, a personage.

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