The article deals with the articulatory and acoustic features of labial consonants, determined in the speech of TV presenter Lesia Vakuliuk, who voiced the story “Tykhonia” by Vasyl Zemliak. The range of realization of labial consonants of the TV presenter is characterized, whose speech, on the one hand, can be considered a sample of the Ukrainian literary language with a real typical reflection of the literary norm, that is, with the preservation of quality typical features of labial phonemes, and, on the other hand, demonstrates her individual, social and territorial features determinants. This article is a continuation of the study of the realization of labial consonants, the study of which was started back in 2013 by O.Kasіanova. The interest in studying the realization of labial consonants is caused by the fact that in the speech of Ukrainians we notice the replacement of /в/ by /f/, which is evidence of interference influence -the Russian positional deafening of sonorous noisy consonants. Such a replacement is a gross violation of Ukrainian orthographic norms. In the Russian language, there is a correlation pair based on the feature voiced-voiceless [v] – [f], in contrast to the Ukrainian language, in which at the beginning of a word, before a consonant and at the end of a word after a vowel phoneme /в/ is indicated, that is, it gets rid of that small particle as well noise inherent in the labial consonant. The interest in the topic is also caused by the fact that linguists have observed a trend over the last several decades to a decrease in the general level of pronunciation quality, which is associated with long-term Ukrainian-Russian interlinguistic relations.
Keywords: speech, sound, phoneme, labial, consonant, experimental phonetic method, acoustic reception
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