Archive, Volume 59 (2020)

N. M. Haievska
PhD., Prof., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Few Ukrainian writers have been as controversial in their creativity, in their personal lives, and in general in public life as P. Kulish. Following the letters, the works of P. Kulish, one can trace the whole biography of the writer, his entire creative career, his personal life. Researchers at the works of P. Kulish wrote about it at different times (V. Ablicov, M. Verkalets, M. Voznyak, B. Grinchenko, A. Gulyak, V. Doroshenko, M. Zhulinsky, E. Kirilluk, M. Kostomarov, V. Petrov, E. Kyrylyuk, M. Nakhlik, I. Ogienko, Y. Olenovskaya, V. Petrov, O. Fedoruk, Y. Shevelyov, V. Shevchuk, V. Shchurat, etc.). Various aspects of his work were considered, and the epistolary legacy of P. Kulish was emphasized, which perhaps sheds light on this problem. The writer led an active lifestyle, responded to all the events that took place in the cultural and artistic life at that time, and even when he gradually withdrew from the active social and literary life, but still responded to certain events in Ukrainian society. He never remained silent, was an extremely emotional person, and needed an interlocutor. Perhaps they were not always “listeners”, and therefore P. Kulish often stated his thoughts in letters, diary entries, just in notes.

Keywords: aspects, epistolary heritage, emancipation, autobiography, literary process, contacts.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/2520-6346.1(59).5-14


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